When hopes are higher than ambitions.
I had such ideals of documenting all that I would do here in Peru and sharing all that God has done in my life. Documenting from the get-go. Hopefully you can tell by the title of this blog that that did not happen. I wrote an opening blog, an update in my first month. And then ghosted the site. But I feel like I need to write. Not even just about life here in Peru and as a missionary, but in general. Because I actually write a lot; just not much of it (none of it) makes it to this site.
It’s intimidating to put something close to your heart out there for all to see, right? Does anyone else feel that way? But I think there is someone out there who maybe would benefit from what I share. Not all. Maybe just one. So, my New Year’s Resolution is to post a blog at least once a week. Here’s to goals, vulnerability, and trusting the Lord to use some words I feel won't make any sense to anyone else, for something greater than myself.