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Global Ministry Digitally

c. alise

Peru's lockdown meant the church would also have to be closed until further notice. Along with the restrictive regulations on social gatherings and interactions, this made it nearly impossible to continue our ministry as normal. So, as many have done, we turned to the internet and modern digital communications as a means to continue reaching out and serving the Cajabamba community in whatever capacity we could. We began recording teachings and songs to share via social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Originally, we were only posting audios of the sermons and short clips of the songs due to weak Wi-Fi. But now that I am in the states, we have been able to post videos of full recorded services due to a stronger Wi-Fi connection here, which has really been a blessing! And as the main communications worker on our staff, I have been the one exploring and spearheading the options for our digital communications methods, which has also given me something to do during this slower-paced time of life.

Something else that excites me about this new project is the opportunity digital communications allows us to reach those who may never step foot in our church. For example, Aileen and I have some non-Christian friends from volleyball whom we have invited multiple times to the church, yet they have never come. Since posting videos of the sermons, we have shared them with these same friends, and I have know some of them have been watching. It's also neat that creating this digital content also allows for any Spanish-speaker in the world to have access to hearing the Gospel and how God speaks to us through the Bible.

Indeed, we now have a full-on communications-posting schedule, set with two weekly services, announcements videos, activities for engaging our church community, and weekly Sunday School lessons for kids.

While it is great that many in our Cajabamba community have access to Internet and thus are able to access the content we are sharing, there is still a number of local residents and members of our church who do not have access to internet. In our region of Peru, the radio is still a very popular tool of communication that many people rely on. Therefore, the church decided in this time to reserve a slot in the radio's schedule to broadcast our weekly services. Once again, it's neat to think that we are potentially reaching homes in the area who otherwise may have never heard the Gospel all because our church doors are closed right now. I am often so intrigued by God's orchestration.

Although here in the U.S., the discovery of Zoom chats and FaceTime calls have become very useful in staying in touch with friends, colleagues, and more, in general the internet connection in Cajabamba is not strong enough for most to successfully conduct these forms of communication. Therefore, we are maintaining communication with our church community through messaging apps and phone calls. I am definitely thankful for these communication avenues as I have been able to keep in touch with those in Peru.

I definitely miss our Sunday School time and checking in with my little ones, but we have been providing parents with a Sunday School lesson to share with their kids as well as a related craft in hopes that they too can continue learning about God in this time.

So, between editing and posting videos, creating social media graphics, staying in communication with friends and church members in Cajabamba, and preparing kids lessons—not to mention creating a church website— I'm finding that I am staying surprisingly occupied in this time, which is really quite nice.

It hasn't always been easy to accept the current situation, feeling a little displaced and restless in not knowing what is to come. But I am really thankful that I can continue to be involved in the ministry of Calvary Chapel Cajabamba even from thousands of miles away. I think that is a testament in of itself to the way that God works.

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